Monday, February 06, 2006

The Media Does it Again

Scott Colby hates the people on the news. He hates the people who write for newspapers. He hates everyone and anyone associated with disseminating information to the masses through conventional means.

Why? Scott Colby does not think that they think things through before they speak or write.

Take, for example, that terrorist guy who escaped from prison the other day. Every newspaper headline and every cheesy TV graphic that accompanied the story described this guy as a terrorist mastermind.

They got it half right. The terrorist part you can't argue with. But a mastermind? This guy's claim to fame was filling a boat with bombs and driving it into another boat. If there was a Nobel Prize for Nefarious Schemes, and there should be, that strategy wouldn't have gotten a single vote from the academy. Supposedly he's also very good at telling people to strap explosive shit to themselves and run at things that look important.

Masterminds everywhere should be offended. This guy doesn't have any lasers, or a maze of death, or trained sharks packing rocket launchers. His henchmen don't wear futuristic uniforms, nor does he have a second in command with an interesting-if-a-bit-contrived method of killing his victims. He's just some jackass who Googled the Anarchist's Cookbook. Chuck Norris would not bother trying to defeat him as he is a waste of a true American hero's time.

So please, news media, for the sake of the world's true evil geniuses, do not lightly bandy about the word mastermind, and think before you speak or write.

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