Saturday, December 09, 2006

Two things that piss me off

  1. Now, I hate to sound like an asshole, but...wait, that's not right. Let's try again. I hate to sound like a Republican (ahh, that's better!) but I'm beginning to suspect that those "no cell phones" signs they've hung up every ten feet in the gym should probably be written in languages other than English. It seems like everytime some loud douche bag violates this rule, he ain't speaking the President's English. Think that's racist or bigoted? I guarantee that if I were to keep track of all the dumb fucks who insist on pulling their phones out in the gym, 80% of them would be having conversations in a foreign language. And I honestly don't care what language you speak, even when you're speaking it into a cell phone when you're not supposed to. What I do care about, however, is that you shut the fuck up and stop annoying me, and if it takes signs in multiple languages to accomplish that goal, then that's what it takes to accomplish that goal.
  2. I am beginning to have a very strong dislike for people who don't listen to the announcements on the T. Getting off the train at Government Center tonight, the driver had to announce five times that this was the last stop and people should be getting off before one group of English-speaking, headphone-free dumbasses got out of their seats. I think after the third such announcement, the driver should seal the doors and release the nerve gas. The T should then sell these dumbasses to reality TV producers to help pay off some of their debt.

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