So here are more things you should not, under any circumstances, give to anyone who knocks on your door Halloween night:
- Suppositories.
- A swift kick in the ass.
- Your garage door opener and a schedule of times you will not be home.
- Grandma's walker.
- Sparkle toothpaste.
- A bulleted list.
- The Little Scientist's First Meth Lab Kit.
- A photoshopped image of the trick-or-treater's mom cavorting half naked through the living room while Benny the mail man sits and watches from the recliner with a smarmy smile on his face and a cigar in his hand.
- Samples of bodily fluids.
- Ibuproferen.
- A three-pack of sponges.
- Fitness Made Simple featuring John Basedow.
- A free paternity test courtesy of the Maury Povich show.
- USB nose hair clippers (firewire is better).
- Tickets to Neverland Ranch.
- An Apple Lisa.
- One crouton.
- Shards of your shattered hopes and dreams.
how about giving them a new blog entry..or is that what we are getting for hanukkah?
Careful near Brookline's gaza strip . . . yes this site can be googled. Not w00ted yet though!
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