Sunday, June 24, 2007

Gwen Stefani is pregant!?!?!?!?! Holy cracked out baby names!!!!!!!!

Few bits of news as old as Ms. Stefani's baby bulge deserve so much punctuation.

I for one will be waiting with baited breath to learn what gem of a moniker that poor kid's going to get stuck with. If she takes the common sense route and names it after her deceased brother, I just might cry.

A few possibilities:

- Lemon Crumpet.
- Fergie (it is a little known fact that Fergie is in fact Gwen Stefani's daughter come back from the future in an attempt to save her mother from death on the London Bridge).
- Boris Andrew Nathan Alexander Newton Aaron (with his last name involved, B.A.N.A.N.A.S.)
- Joshua Moody (in honor of the only man who ever comments on this blog).
- Hoggle.
- Comet.
- !.
- Saaphyri.


Anonymous said...

There can be only one.

Anonymous said...

I too await in anticipation... Though I ponder that said moniker is either Hollaback Bush (if it was conceived with Gavin) or LAM Baby (if it was "done" solo)

Love. Angel. Music. Baby

Unknown said...

I'm going to start commenting in hopes of being mentioned in a future rambling... or at least having a celebrity baby named after yours truly!