Sunday, November 19, 2006

Ridiculous Lawsuit of the Day

Scroll to the bottom of the article and read the section titled "Emerson Lawsuit."

We're talking about fucking garbage disposals here. I don't know about anyone else, but I would actually be less inclined to purchase an Emerson disposal if her hand had come out intact. After all, who wants an underpowered garbage dispsoal? All kinds of crap falls down my sink, and I don't want to have to deal with clogs.

Plus, Emerson should be looking at this as a free public service announcement. Hopefully this scene will encourage people not to put their hand in something that's obviously dangerous, as we all know that most of the idiots out there don't know that something is dangerous unless the television tells them.

Some day, when my multiple Interweb endeavours have made me a multi-billionaire, I will make it a point to sue anyone who annoys me by suing someone else over something stupid. So look out garbage disposals, smokers, and parents of fat children...Scott Colby's coming for you!

P.S. - I wanted to write about the Wii tonight, but it seemed too easy. Every game review I've read has characterized the controls as gimmicky at best and prohibitive at the worst. In Zelda, they've been described as seeming "tacked on." Every launch title, as I've predicted, is full of gimmicky mini games, and most of them haven't scored particularly well with critics. Did I call it or what?

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