Friday, November 10, 2006

Way to grow a pair, Senator Chafee

What do you think the odds are that this guy would've put up such a stink if he hadn't lost his seat for next year?

He's essentially saying one of two things with this:
  1. He was too much of a pussy to go against the party line on this before he lost.
  2. He's blaming W for his loss and looking to get an ounce of revenge before he leaves.
Although I would rather hire some hobo off the street as our ambassador to the U.N. than this Bolton guy, I have to take issue with Chafee. If he really, truly opposes Bolton's appointment, he should've said something a long fucking time ago.

Speaking of which...why the hell is it taking so long to finalize a new ambassador to the United Nations? It seems like we've been hearing about this guy forever. Shouldn't filling this position be a priority? I mean, this is only the person who's going to be the immediate face of our nation in the international community. It may not be as important as gay marriage or violence in videogames...but shouldn't it have been close to the top of the list of shit to do?

I'm beginning to suspect it may be time to write a manifesto and found my own political party...

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