Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I Demand a Recount

Coakley may have given her consolation speech, but the Colby campaign has yet to throw in the towel. Recount, now.

I don't blame people for not voting for her. Holy crap, what an unlikeable shrew. I do, however, blame people for voting for Scott Brown (previously known as That Yuppie Looking Dude). If I could put it into words, I would...but I can't. Just know that a vote for Brown was a vote for dumb, a vote for the status quo, a vote for being tricked and exploited. If the Republicans were actually the party of being smart about spending, I'd vote for them; but just like the Dems, and perhaps more so, they're just the party of selling out Real Americans like you and I and Hulk Hogan and Chuck Norris. Look at Rush Limbaugh; by the Force, look at Sarah Palin. What a bunch of terds.

Unfortunately, Chuck Norris can't do it on his own, and the Hulkster's had a few too many hip surgeries to help out. Until we wake up, we're going to continue to get screwed over by the same douche bags again and again. For all those who forgot, the current economic mess was caused by the lax policies of a Republican regime; hence, because a Democratic majority was unable to fix it in a year, the answer is obviously more Republicans. (end sarcasm)

I Stole Your Lunch will continue to withhold its vote until the day it does not have to choose between the herp and the syph. Someday, a man will burst through the curtain to a booming rock anthem and a terrific display of pyrotechnics to save us all...

...AND THAT MAN WILL BE SCOTT COLBY, and you will all do the chants and the hand signs and love every minute of it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Watch what you wish for. Chuck Norris is a huge Glenn Beck, 912 Project fan. I think he's up for smacking down hippies, but put him on the ground in D.C. and he'll be a full on loose cannon!