Sunday, September 04, 2005

Important Announcement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's right, I didn't forget about all you noble readers who've spent the past month continuously clicking the refresh button just in case Scott Colby decided to get off his lazy ass and update his stupid blog. It's been almost a month since his last update, a long, lonely, heart wrenching month painfully devoid of Scott Colby's sweet prose. How empty your lives must've been!

But just like every crappy "superstar" on VH1 whom you thought you'd seen the last of twelve years ago, Scott Colby's back. And to you, his adoring public, he makes a solemn vow, one he will never break unless he doesn't particularly feel like doing it anymore or if he falls into a large sum of money and rides the pope mobile off into the sunset.

Every day, there will be new content on I Stole Your Lunch!

Unfortunately, Scott Colby cannot guarantee the quality of such content, because he is prone to writer's block and fits of fiery indifference. The only thing he can promise is that there will always be something in this space that wasn't there yesterday.

Consider yourself scolbified.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet, something for me to do at work when i'm not running around...and its quality stuff too...