Wednesday, February 03, 2010

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for an emergency broadcast


There hasn't been such an awesomely melodramatic group of skinny jeans-clad emos since they started Panicking in the Disco. I'd cut myself, but I can't get through the scars their music has left on my wrists with anything short of a chainsaw.

So what happened? It sounds like no one's really sure. Here are the top theories:

  • Ashlee "Yoko" Simpson insisted they rename the band something stupid, like "Manhattan Ballou."
  • They didn't have a scene, they had an arms race. And someone brought a minigun.
  • Lead singer Pete Wentz is doing his best Axl Rose impersonation. "Colombian Capitalism" to be released in seventeen years when no one cares.
  • Drummer ran out of available skin for red-and-black star tattoos.
  • They're falling apart to half time.
  • My Chemical Romance stole the bassist.
But really, there is no way in hell this is not Ashlee's fault. That ho needs to keep her ginormous nose out of things. They aren't even going down swingin', for cripes sakes.

1 comment:

Cupcake said...

You poor little emo boy, you'll live.